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Why Furutech

Furutech’s Pure Transmission Piezo Ceramic and Carbon series products feature a breakthrough construction technique.
A special material in the products combines two “active” materials: Nano-sized ceramic particles and powdered carbon.
(Only nano-sized ceramic particles effectively couples with carbon powder.) Nylon and fiberglass are incorporated as well forming an extremely effective, well damped, mechanically and electrically nonresonant connector body. That’s correct, they’re electrically damped as well.

Piezoelectric effects are the key. Furutech’s breakthrough in design and materials is based on employing nano-sized polycrystalline ferroelectric ceramic particles exhibiting electro-generative properties; mechanical pressure creates an electrical charge forming a bridge between electrical and mechanical oscillation.

Carbon powder exhibits thermal-conductive characteristics that interact with the charged ferro-ceramic particles converting their energy into heat that’s conducted away and released from the surface of the connector body!

These carefully chosen and tested “active” materials mechanically and electrically damp connectors, receptacles and other products as they “interconvert” thermal, mechanical, and electrical energy for the finest Furutech Pure Transmission signal

Using cutting-edge technology and materials, Furutech developed a low-temperature two-stage process that significantly improves every facet of audio and video performance. The treatment begins during the manufacturing
process with a deep, conditioning cryogenic freeze of all metal parts. Using high-end refrigerants -- liquid N2 or He
-- Furutech achieves temperatures of between -196 to -250C. The treated parts actually change their molecular structure at these extremes of temperature relieving internal stress. The molecules bond together more tightly and the overall structure becomes more stable. This improves electrical conductivity and so power and signal transfer.

Step two in the Alpha Process exposes these same parts to the patented Ring Demagnetization treatment. Ordinary high power magnets used for this purpose often increase magnetization effects; they leave some areas more magnetized than others. Just like a CD spinning over a fixed magnet; when the CD stops the area above the magnet is still exposed to the magnetic field causing audible effects. This patented process uses controlled attenuation to completely eliminate magnetization for immediately more vivid and colorful improvements. Ring Demagnetization further enhances conductivity of all treated materials. The patent holder for this treatment is Sekiguchi Machine Sale Co., Ltd. in Japan; Furutech are licensed users of the technology.

ALL metallic parts used in Furutech products go through the Alpha Process treatment to keep all connectors, conductors, and metal parts in a perfect stress-free, stable and highly conductive state.

The Final Result The 2-Step Alpha Cryogenic and Demagnetizing Process works in tandem with other design-in features to create the most optimized AC power transfer possible. Furutech’s total awareness and devotion to detail results in a greater sense of power, dynamics, and resolution, with cleaner, blacker backgrounds and a larger, more stable soundstage, vivid tonal colors and deeper extension at both ends of the frequency range.

Current flowing through a cable and its connector creates magnetic (and electrostatic) fields around them, building and collapsing 60 times per second in 120VAC systems. This magnetic field induces current flow–electrical potential–in small parts like the screws holding the connector shell together which have to be metal for tight clamping. The current flow in these small parts actually creates “floating” magnetic fields around them, and they interfere with the cable/connector’s larger surrounding magnetic field resulting in noise and distortion.

The Furutech Floating Field Damper solves the biggest problem you never realized you had by star grounding the metal parts in which floating magnetic fields are induced by current flow. As represented in the images below, a precisely engineered, sprung metal bridge in the connector body ties the various metal parts together and shunts whatever electrical potentials generated to ground. This significantly lowers noise by reducing distortion for ultra-clean and stable power transfer.

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